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MBBS Colleges in Russia

The duration of course is 6 years in all MBBS colleges in Russia for Indian students. The medium of instruction is English. All of the available medical universities in Russia for Indian students are listed below and full details can be accessed by clicking them individually. All of the below MBBS colleges in Russia are recognized by WHO (World Health Organization) & MCI (Medical Council of India)

MBBS Colleges in Russia : For Indian Students
Volgograd State Medical University
Volgograd State Medical University
Orenburg State Medical University
Orenburg State Medical University
Kursk State Medical University
Kursk State Medical University
Kazan State Medical University
Kazan State Medical University
Bashkir State Medical University
Bashkir State Medical University
Izhevsk State Medical university
Izhevsk State Medical Academy
Tver State Medical University
Tver State Medical University
Siberian State Medical University
Siberian State Medical University
Stavropol State Medical University
Stavropol State Medical University
MBBS Colleges in Russia : MCI Recognition

All medical universities in Russia that are offered by us above, are recognized by MCI (Medical Council of India) and the same can be checked online by visiting list of medical colleges to study MBBS abroad. We strongly recommend each and every student to once visit the MCI’s official website and verify that the selected medical college in Russia, where he/she intends to take MBBS admission in Russia is recognized in MCI’s website. This is very important, as only those students who complete their MBBS course from a MCI recognized medical university in Russia are allowed to appear in the MCI Screening Test/FMGE/National Exit Test in India for practicing medicine here.

Medical Colleges in Russia : Government/Private

All MBBS colleges in Russia that are currently being offered by us to Indian students are government universities. This is one of the prime reasons for such low MBBS fees in Russia as compared to Indian medical colleges. With a very low population in Russia, these handful number of government medical universities in Russia are actually sufficient to provide adequate healthcare services to whole of it’s population. Hence, neither there has been any such requirement nor competition among universities or colleges in Russia for establishing private medical colleges in Russia yet.

mbbs in russia
Medical Universities in Russia : Fees Criteria

Just as not all MBBS medical colleges in India have the same fee structure, the same applies to Russia too. However, there are some obvious factors which determine and help us understand the varying pattern of fees in different medical colleges in Russia. Some of the factors are as mentioned below :

*Location of university

*Establishment year of university

*Number of foreign students enrolled in university

*Number of years since English medium course started

*Standard of hostel & facilities for foreign students

*Level of expertise of medical faculty teaching in English medium

*Additional facility of MCI training & preparation

*Number of hospitals associated with university for clinical classes

*Availability of guest lecturers from India

*Use of modern & digital technology in teaching

*Opportunity to participate in exchange programs with other countries

These above factors are not the only ones that are taken into consideration while deciding fees. There are some top notch universities in Russia, that have very good infrastructure and facilities, but offer MBBS course in low fees as a step to attract more international students and stay in competition with other universities that are well established since decades.

How to Choose Best Medical University in Russia ?

With so many renowned MBBS universities in Russia, it can be rather confusing at times to finalize one among them. A basic approach which we suggest should be, simply to plan and first of all decide your total expenditure for whole MBBS course including living expenses, travelling to India expenses and any other miscellaneous expenses which you have in your mind. After which, you should calculate the total amount which you can afford per year and then start looking for options within that budget. We are always here to suggest the best possible option within your affordable budget and help you finalize the best MBBS university in Russia accordingly. As not all medical universities in Russia allow transfer of fees through loan directly to their bank accounts, we also advise on universities to choose from if you wish to study with loan assistance in Russia.

mbbs in russia
MBBS Education in Medical Universities in Russia

The Russian Federation (aka. Russia) in the first choice of Indian students when it comes to choosing a country for MBBS abroad. MBBS education in Russia has been in limelight since the Soviet Era. There are dozens of medical universities in Russia that occupy top positions among world universities list published by WDOMS (World Directory of Medical Schools) every year. All of the top universities are Russia are run by government solely. These government medical universities of Russia are controlled by Ministry of Health of Russian Federation & Ministry of Science and Higher Education & Science. With population of the Russian Federation being not as much as of India, there is no crisis of medical seats availability. The easy availability of MBBS seats combined with their great infrastructure & a very affordable fees are some of the main factors that attract huge number of students from India every year to MBBS colleges in Russia.

The degree awarded to students after successful completion of medical education from any medical university in Russia is M.D. (Physician). After they returning back to India and qualifying the MCI/National Exit Test, they are given the registration of a MBBS doctor in India and can immediately start practicing anywhere. The duration of medical education in Russia is of 6 years (Exactly 5 years 8 months) in English medium and of 7 years (Exactly 6 years 8 months) if the student chooses to study in Russian medium. The course in Russian medium includes additional 1 year preparatory course for learning Russian language, post which the medical course is started, hence the total duration of MBBS becomes 7 years. Almost all Indian students opt for English medium MBBS course in Russian medical universities, keeping in mind the fact they see their future back in India after completion of their degrees.


Today, there are more than 75 medical universities of Russia that are included in the MCI (Medical Council of India) website and all of them easily get required number of students every year. It is a win-win situation for the Russian medical universities as well as Indian students opting for them. In the last 15 years, several batches completed their course from top MBBS colleges in Russia and are today either successfully practicing in India or in some other part of the world. With each year passing by since the first batch of MBBS students graduated from Russia, there has been an increase every year in the number of students going abroad. After all, with 14 Lac students appearing in NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance test) ever year in India and only 55,000-60,000 medical seats available for them; Russia proves to be the right destination for Indian students who do not want to blame their luck in future for the lack of seats & a missed opportunity.

The best thing about studying MBBS colleges in Russia is that students get a lot of practical knowledge. The students regularly visit various government city hospitals just after 2 years of their course, once sufficient theoretical knowledge base has been built up in them. All Indian students are taught Russian language free of cost in all Russian universities from the very first year of their course, so that from 3rd year of their medical education they do not face any issues in communicating with the local patients they meet in hospitals. By the end of their course, students have solid practical knowledge and by this time are also fluent in Russian language for the rest of their lives. Students also get to work with experienced and skilled doctors in government hospitals (Associated with medical universities) during the last 3 years of their course and may also find a chance to serve day or night duties in some city hospital.

The classes in Russia are conducted in groups, with no group of student exceeding 15 students. It helps the professors to pay more attention to each student of group and eventually a better understanding for students too. The exams are conducted in written, oral & practical types in offline (paper & pen) as well as online mode. The grading system is bases on grades from 1 to 5, with grade 5 meaning the best score & grade 2 considered as fail. Apart from all the regular tests & exams in all subjects, students have to take a government licensing exam in 6th year as their final exam (State Licensing Exam) before the MBBS degrees are awarded to them.

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