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MBBS Colleges in Kazakhstan

The duration of course is 5 years in all MBBS colleges in Kazakhstan for Indian students. The medium of instruction is English. All of the available medical universities in Kazakhstan for Indian students are listed below and full details can be accessed by clicking them individually. All of the below MBBS colleges in Kazakhstan are recognized by WHO (World Health Organization) & MCI (Medical Council of India)

MBBS Colleges in Kazakhstan : MCI Recognition

All medical universities in Kazakhstan that are offered by us above, are recognized by MCI (Medical Council of India) and the same can be checked online by visiting list of medical colleges to study MBBS abroad. We strongly recommend each and every student to once visit the MCI’s official website and verify that the selected medical college in Kazakhstan, where he/she intends to take MBBS admission in Kazakhstan is recognized in MCI’s website. This is very important, as only those students who complete their MBBS course from a MCI recognized medical university in Kazakhstan are allowed to appear in the MCI Screening Test/FMGE/National Exit Test in India for practicing medicine here.

Medical Colleges in Kazakhstan : Government/Private

Most MBBS colleges in Kazakhstan that are currently being offered by us to Indian students are government universities with few of them being private universities too. This is one of the prime reasons for such low MBBS fees in Kazakhstan as compared to Indian medical colleges. With a very low population in Kazakhstan, these handful number of medical universities in Kazakhstan are actually sufficient to provide adequate healthcare services to whole of it’s population. Hence, neither there has been any such requirement nor competition among universities or colleges in Kazakhstan for establishing new universities in Kazakhstan yet.

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Medical Universities in Kazakhstan : Fees Criteria

Just as not all MBBS medical colleges in India have the same fee structure, the same applies to Kazakhstan too. However, there are some obvious factors which determine and help us understand the varying pattern of fees in different medical colleges in Kazakhstan. Some of the factors are as mentioned below :

*Location of university

*Establishment year of university

*Number of years since English medium course started

*Number of foreign students enrolled in university

*Standard of hostel & facilities for foreign students

*Number of hospitals associated with university for clinical classes

*Level of expertise of medical faculty teaching in English medium

*Additional facility of MCI training & preparation

*Availability of guest lecturers from India

*Use of modern & digital technology in teaching

*Opportunity to participate in exchange programs with other countries

These above factors are not the only ones that are taken into consideration while deciding fees. There are some top notch universities in Kazakhstan, that have very good infrastructure and facilities, but offer MBBS course in low fees as a step to attract more international students and stay in competition with other universities that are well established since decades.

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How to Choose Best Medical University in Kazakhstan ?

With so many renowned MBBS universities in Kazakhstan, it can be rather confusing at times to finalize one among them. A basic approach which we suggest should be, simply to plan and first of all decide your total expenditure for whole MBBS course including living expenses, travelling to India expenses and any other miscellaneous expenses which you have in your mind. After which, you should calculate the total amount which you can afford per year and then start looking for options within that budget. We are always here to suggest the best possible option within your affordable budget and help you finalize the best MBBS university in Kazakhstan accordingly. As not all medical universities in Kazakhstan allow transfer of fees through loan directly to their bank accounts, we also advise on universities to choose from if you wish to study with loan assistance in Kazakhstan.

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MBBS Education in Medical Universities in Kazakhstan

MBBS in Kazakhstan got popular among students from India recently when most medical universities of Kazakhstan decided to start offering the course in English medium for Indian students. The government medical universities of Kazakhstan are not as old as those of Russia & other countries. However, the standard of medical education is appreciable. The government medical universities are operated under the control of Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan & Ministry of Education & Science of Kazakhstan. All medical colleges in Kazakhstan are also recognized by WDOMS (World Directory of Medical Schools) as well as MCI (Medical Council of India). The cost of MBBS course in medical universities in Kazakhstan is much low in comparison to that of Russia, Ukraine and China. There are some newly established private medical colleges in Kazakhstan too, which are approved the government of Kazakhstan as well as Medical Council of India.

The few top medical universities in Kazakhstan alone accept as many students from India as 20 universities of Russia or Ukraine do every year in total. With such a huge intake every year one can imagine the number of Indian students in medical college of Kazakhstan. Some benefits of so many students are that Indian mess is available in every university of Kazakhstan to cater to needs of Indian students; bumper celebration of Indian festivals in university campus just as in India; several co curricular, sporting & cultural events are organized by university administration for Indian students especially, guest visits from renowned Indian professors and doctors for MCI/FMGE Exam preparation, etc.

Students have various options to choose from when deciding a MBBS college in Kazakhstan. The medical course is offered both in English medium as well as Kazakh/Russian medium. Almost all students that go to Kazakhstan to pursue their medical education choose English as their medium of instruction. Every year about 300-500 students from India are enrolled in each medical university of Kazakhstan. This comes due to the fact that all MBBS colleges in Kazakhstan offer MBBS course starting from 11 Lac and up to 18 Lac including some other expenses like hostel accommodation & medical insurance for all these years too. Additionally, the duration of whole course is 5 years only, as compared to 6 years as of Russia & Ukraine.

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The classes are conducted in small groups with a maximum of 15-20 students in 1 group. It’s always easy for the teacher as well as students to manage a small group. Indian students are also provided MCI Screening Test/FMGE/National Exit Test coaching in Kazakhstan universities apart from the regular university classes, so that they easily clear the licensing exam in India after completion of their medical course from Kazakhstan. The grading system in Kazakhstan follows the same exact patterns in Russia & Ukraine i.e. grades are awarded in range of 1 to 5 where 1 is the least score; 2 is fail; 3 is satisfactory; 4 is good & 5 being excellent. In addition to all the medical subjects that students learn in MBBS colleges in Kazakhstan, they are also taught Kazakh/Russian language free of cost so that they are easily able to communicate with local citizens of Kazakhstan for their daily needs & most importantly communicate with patients in later years of their medical course.

With only 55,000-60,000 medical seats available in India every year & more than 14 Lac students competing for them, it’s always good to find such an amazing country where the duration is almost the same as in India, fees is so low, a huge community of Indian students in already present, all MBBS colleges are recognized by MCI & last but not the least which is just 3 hrs 30 mins from India. We seriously believe that MBBS colleges in Kazakhstan serve & contribute immensely in creating doctors for our national by providing all the pros in the perfect combination.

Exams & tests are conducted on a regular basis in both online & offline (pen & paper) mode. Students are required to pass a final government licensing exam in last year in their medical university before they are awarded the MD (Physician) degree. The degree only differs in name from the MBBS degree awarded in India, and students get registered as MBBS practitioner in India after they clear the MCI exam in India. Indian students get a lot of exposure in clinical and practical knowledge while diagnosing patients in hospitals. Starting from the 2nd year of MBBS course in medical college in Kazakhstan, students regularly have their classes conducted in hospitals in city and learn clinical knowledge in close coordination with doctors working there. Cricket tournaments are also organized every year in various medical colleges of Kazakhstan for the entertainment of Indian students studying there.

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